About Terry
Terry Elementary is one of eleven schools in the Selma Unified School District. Currently, we have a total of 200 students enrolled in grades kindergarten through sixth grade. Terry Elementary is a rural school with a diverse population. The mission of Terry Elementary School is to provide an enriched education for all students. The academic program shall facilitate the development of foundational skills and the application of higher order thinking skills. Through the integration of academics, values, and social interaction, students will strive to achieve their potential contribution to self and society. Our staff is committed to providing exemplary programs, services, and activities consistent with the Common Core State Standards. Teachers adhere to teaching grade-level standards and use frequent formative assessments to monitor student progress towards mastering those standards. The practice of using data-driven instruction has become the foundation of Terry Elementary.
Technology is also an integral part of instruction. Teachers have been able to integrate technology in several ways to improve student learning through web-based programs which assist with reading, writing, math, and science. The most important aspect is that technology integration has become a standard in teaching concepts and reinforcing skills, as well as assessing student learning.
At Terry Elementary, 51% of our students are classified as English Language Learners (ELs), based on 2017-2018 data. In order to ensure our English Learners are making academic gains, as well as demonstrating proficiency in English, we implement English Language Development (ELD) a minimum of 30 minutes each day, use content and language objectives, and use a variety of strategies to support learning for our ELs across all content areas.